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Product Questions and Care

Information about our stock availability, products and how to care for them.

Product Materials

All about our materials used to make our items

How do I polish my items?

What to do to keep your items looking new

Can I get my item engraved?

Unfortunately, we do not offer engraving services. Engraving can be performed by a professional of your choice. However, we do not encourage engraving on items for two main reasons:

Can I get my items wet?

Getting your items wet now and again is not a major concern. However, exposing your items to constant moisture may affect their appearance. We strongly recommend taking off your items when expecting them to be exposed to moisture. If your items do ge

What should I do to take care of my sterling silver items?

Sterling silver can react with things around you, we suggest removing it when doing the following:. Any time that you think your item may become dirty or wet, consider taking it off and keeping it in a safe place. Combining this cautious approach wit